Organic Olive Oil extra Virgin Cold Press
Organic Production – Product Selection: Our organic extra virgin olive oil fulfills the highest quality criteria, being elaborated by first cold pressing and in strict compliance with organic production rules. The olives used for the production of our oil grow on trees environmentally free from chemicals, with the farmers promoting healthy soil, healthy plants and healthy food in ideal geographic conditions. 100% natural product, obtained by cold-pressing the olives, with no additives whatsoever (preservative, color or chemicals).
Our products are certified organic by “C.A.A.E. – Andalusian Committee for organic agriculture”, a branch arm of the Spanish Government, recognized by the E.C. (European Community). The C.A.A.E. controls the production area, the cold-pressing process, the stocking and bottling process. Additionally, subsequent sampling, sealing of containers and analysis certify that the oil is free from chemical residuals.
The organically grown olives from which our oil is cold-pressed is harvested by a defined group of individual olive planting farmers who keep on maintaining their rather small olive fields owned by their families over generations. These families live from their olive oil production and have achieved an exceptional level of caring for their plantations, in clear differentiation to mass production.
All bottles are individually numbered (controlled numbers issued by the C.A.A.E.).
Our oil is exclusively of Spanish origin, the worldwide leader in highest quality oil production.